Calhoun County
Marshall & Olivet, Michigan
Organized in 1840
Fields of Grain & Peaceful Pastures
"A Rural Community of Families, Farmers, & Friends"
Meet Your Elected Officials
Article VII, § 18 of the Michigan Constitution of 1963 provides, “In each organized township there shall be elected for terms of not less than two nor more than four years as prescribed by law a supervisor, a clerk, a treasurer, and not to exceed four trustees, whose legislative and administrative powers and duties shall be provided by law.”
Brad Shrontz
Township Supervisor
Phone: (269) 317-7459
Email: Supervisor@leetwpcc.com
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Republican Party ~ Term expires: 11/2024
Samantha VanDorsten
Township Clerk
Phone: (269) 749-9292
Email: Clerk@leetwpcc.com
Office Hours: Monday 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or By Appointment
Summer hours may vary.
Republican Party ~ Term expires: 11/2024
Melanie Piepkow
Township Treasurer​
Phone: (269) 749-9292
Email: Treasurer@leetwpcc.com
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Republican Party ~ Term expires: 11/2024
Casey Hall
Township Trustee
Phone: (269) 317-2790
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Republican Party ~ Term expires: 11/2024
Charles Letts
Township Trustee
Phone: (269) 579-1413
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Republican Party ~ Term expires: 11/2024